About Me

Middle school kids see passing my 5'5 and a half" stature as kind of a right of passage. I love that others can feel big around me... no seriously I think that is why God put me here on earth, to help others believe in themselves the way God believes in them. Go ahead and feel big.

Friday, October 5, 2007

My Wonderful Morning

Starbucks Breakfast Blend is simply amazing. I'm sitting here drinking down it's tremendous flavor while smelling it's aroma. It has made me a happy man on this Friday morning. Now to get some work done.................................................................

By the way if you are one of those "buy lots of sugar in your drink" people, be brave one day and order just coffee. You are allowed to put some cream and sugar in it (for me I use splenda). Give it a try, it is a wonderful experience and it saves you a ton of money!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how about bringing me some of that coffee? lovin' your blog. keep up the good work. thanks for the brcc link.