About Me

Middle school kids see passing my 5'5 and a half" stature as kind of a right of passage. I love that others can feel big around me... no seriously I think that is why God put me here on earth, to help others believe in themselves the way God believes in them. Go ahead and feel big.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Hi blog world.
Life is full of change right now and it is really stretching me. I've been convinced by some friends to start playing basketball 3 times a week at 7am. This is good because it gets me up early and gets my day started. Ang and I have started coaching volleyball at Jefferson Forest High School, meaning that we have 3 hours out of hour day dedicated to that. So work at Blue Ridge is definitely different. While at BRCC I have to work harder to stay focused (and not thinking about coaching)--another good thing. I'm also losing my office and becoming a "nomad" until Ang gives up her office to me when she has our baby! Oh yeah our baby--another change and another good thing! So practice ends at 6pm and then back to BRCC work. Some nights that isn't over till 8:30pm. And we have a nice old house that I've started a "side project" in. So free time at home is something I spend too much time having, because I have plenty of house stuff to do. So life is good right now. I am adjusting slowly and seeing how the changes are growing me.